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LuNASI is looking for post-doc candidates

LuNASI is looking for talented young post-doc researchers with passion to and some experience in physics, optics, spectroscopy and imaging.  

 Information about Postdoctoral Research Associate within the National Science Centre OPUS 22, Poland grant entitled “Sensitized Photon Avalanche Emission in lanthanide doped colloidal core-shell nanoparticles: novel materials for superresolution imaging“.

[application deadline 14.04.2023 | job start date 1.07.2023 | up to 30 months]

Photon Avalanche (PA) is one of least studied but most interesting and promising (for numerous applications) mechanism responsible for efficient anti-Stokes emission in lanthanide doped inorganic phosphors. Although PA phenomenon has been discovered in 1979 by Chivian et al., great majority of studies have been carried out in bulk (macroscopic) crystals and fibers, mostly at cryogenic temperatures using tuneable / powerful / sophisticated / costly laser light sources. These constraints limited broader interest and restricted possible applications to up-conversion (UC) lasers or medium-IR photon counters. Recent ground breaking studies [Nature, 2021, 589(7841), 230–235] demonstrated capability to observe PA at nanoscale, which open new possibilities, define new challenges and promise new applications.

The objective of the project is to develop and study a sensitized photon avalanche phenomenon in lanthanide doped luminescent nanoparticles for its potential use is single beam super-resolution imaging. First, a wide range of appropriate luminescent colloidal nano-/micro-materials will be synthesized and characterized in terms of structure, morphology and fundamental spectral properties. Next, these materials will be versatilely characterized, searching for photon avalanche features (e.g. high non-linearity, slow emission build up time etc.). For the latter, a unique and dedicated optical setup for temperature and excitation power dependent spectra and luminescence kinetics studies has been developed using fluorescence microscope, temperature chamber, photon counters etc. that enables to automate some routine measurements. Now, a new, dedicated optical instruments will be developed to study the most promising materials for photon avalanche.
We are looking for a highly motivated, well organized and diligent postdoctoral candidate with background in physics, optics, optoelectronics, spectroscopy (bio-spectroscopy, fluorescence) and possibly with some basic experience in biology. Good skills in optical opto-mechanical instruments development as well as in data / image acquisition & electronics, modelling (neural networks) and analysis (2D/3D image processing, Matlab, LabView) are highly desirable. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team of scientist and will be responsible for designing, constructing and testing optical instruments (multi-beam PASSI microscope) and spectral characterisation of the obtained nanoparticles and modelling of its photophysical properties. Our group offers a collaborative, supportive and inclusive work environment with many opportunities for professional development. 



Key references :

  • Size-dependent photon avalanching in Tm3+ doped LiYF4 nano, micro and bulk crystals, M.Dudek et al. Optical Mater. 2022, 2201052
  • Photon avalanche in lanthanide doped nanoparticles for biomedical applications: Super-resolution imaging. Bednarkiewicz, A. et al. Nanoscale Horizons, 2019, 4(4).
  • Giant nonlinear optical responses from photon-avalanching nanoparticles. Lee C. et al. Nature, 2021, 589(7841), 230–235.

Details and information how to apply : 



  • Institute address:
    ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wrocław

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