Symmetry of Order Parameters in Multiband Superconductors LaRu4As12 and PrOs4Sb12 Probed by Local Magnetization Measurements

J. Juraszek, R. Wawryk, Z. Henkie, M. Konczykowski, and T. Cichorek
The temperature dependencies of the lower critical field Hc1(T) of several filled-skutterudite superconductors were investigated by local magnetization measurements. We attribute the unusual Hc1(T) dependencies of LaRu4As12 and PrOs4Sb12 to a kink structure in their superfluid densities due to different contributions from two nearly decoupled bands. Whereas LaRu4As12 is established as a two-band isotropic s-wave superconductor, nonsaturating behavior of Hc1(T) is observed for PrOs4Sb12 , indicative of an anisotropic structure of a smaller gap. For this superconductor with broken time-reversal symmetry, our findings suggest a superconducting state with multiple symmetries of the order parameters.