Detection of relativistic fermions in Weyl semimetal TaAs by magnetostriction measurements

Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 3868 (2022)
OPUS 11 NCN-2016/21/B/ST3/02361(2017)
OPUS 11 NCN-2016/21/B/ST3/02361(2017)
T. Cichorek, Ł. Bochenek, J. Juraszek, Yu. V. Sharlai, G. P. Mikitik
Thus far, a detection of the Dirac or Weyl fermions in topological semimetals remains often elusive, since in these materials conventional charge carriers exist as well. Here, measuring a field-induced length change of the prototype Weyl semimetal TaAs at low temperatures, we find that its c-axis magnetostriction amounts to relatively large values whereas the a-axis magnetostriction exhibits strong variations with changing the orientation of the applied magnetic field. It is discovered that at magnetic fields above the ultra-quantum limit, the magnetostriction of TaAs contains a linear-in-field term, which, as we show, is a hallmark of the Weyl fermions in a material.