We've co-organized and participated in DPC'22 conference

LuNASI group members have actively coorganized and participated in DPC'22 in Wrocław.
On September 5-9, 2022, a 21st International Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC) conference was held in Wrocław. It was actively attended by many members of our group presenting their research results during oral presentations or while a poster session. Some of us were also on the organizing committee of the conference.
Principal investigators of our team prof. dr. hab. Eng. Artur Bednarkiewicz and dr. hab. Eng. Łukasz Marciniak, prof. INTiBS PAN, have delivered oral presentation on the topics “Avalanche emission for new biomedical applications” and “Luminescence-based ratiometric optical power meter”, respectively. Among those, who have prepared oral presentations were also M.Sc. Kamila Maciejewska and dr. Eng. Marcin Szalkowski. Kamila was talking about “The role of Cr3+ ions in the performance of multifunctional nanoparticles for luminescence thermometry and optical heating applications” and Marcin delivered presentation entitled “On the way towards photon avalanche intensity rise dynamics engineering”.
The rest of our group have presented their research data during a poster session. Spectroscopic parameters of different materials doped or co-doped with Cr3+ ions were presented in three posters. Ph.D. Karolina Elżbieciak-Piecka has presented “Cr3+ - doped GdAl3(BO3)4 borates as a new photothermal agent“. M.Sc. Maja Szymczak was talking about “Spectroscopic properties of NIR-emitting MgO:Cr3+ for luminescence thermometry” and M.Sc. Mateusz Pieprz poster was connected with “Synthesis and luminescent properties of Cr3+ and Nd3+ co-doped La3Ga5GeO14”. Upconversion process in LiYF4 was presented by Ph.D. Małgorzata Misiak, who’s poster was entitled “Up-converting LiYF4 nanocrystals emitting UV radiation – influence of Gd3+ doping on size, phase and morphology”. Two posters were connected with a quite new Photon Avalanche (PA) phenomenon. M.Sc. Zuzanna Korczak has presented “Influence of thulium concentration on photon avalanche behavior in LiYF4” and M.Sc. Magdalena Dudek was talking about “Photon avalanche in nanomaterials co-doped with Yb3+ and Pr3+ ions”, and her poster was awarded. Upconversion processes during Förster Resonance Energy Transfer were presented by M.Sc. Agata Kotulska in poster entitled “Upconversion phenomena in FRET: the role of compositional architecture donor and photoexcitation mode for decay and intensity based response”.
During the conference, there was an opportunity to take part in a tour of Wrocław and a gala banquet. Attendance at the conference was a fruitful experience. It allowed to have many interesting scientific discussions and to make new friends.
(by Magda Dudek & Artur Bednarkiewicz)