We've participated in IWASOM '22 conference

LuNASI group members have actively participated in IWASOM'22 conference in Gdańsk. An invited lecutra and a posters have been presented.
Recently, two members of our group have participated in 7th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) in Gdańsk. This year the conference was dedicated to the memory of professor Marek Grinberg, who was the initiator of the first IWASOM conference. At the conference Magdalena Dudek has presented poster entitled “Size-dependent photon avalanching in Tm3+ doped LiYF4 nano, micro and bulk crystals”, which was prized with a best poster award. Marcin Szalkowski has delivered an invited presentation on the topic of “Photon avalanching: properties and challenges”. Participation in the conference was an excellent opportunity to make new friends and to experience the charms of the city of Gdańsk. (by Magda Dudek)