NEW in 2024
Source | Title | PI | Period |
OPUS SONATA 19 | Low‐phonon nanocrystals doped with lanthanide ions – new materials for efficient up‐conversion and photon avalanche | Małgorzata Misiak | 07.2024 - 06.2027 |
OPUS SONATA 19 | Understanding Upconversion Resonant Energy Transfer to pH-Sensitive Fluorescent Dyes: From Novel Core-Shell Luminescent Nanomaterials to Sensitive, Background-Free, and Broad-Range pH Sensing | Dr Aleksandra Pilch-Wróbel | 07.2024 - 06.2027 |
FNP First Teamt | Inteligentne farby luminescencyjne wrażliwe na zmiany temperatury i ciśnienia do zaawansowanych zastosowań | Prof Łukasz Marciniak |
Source | Title | PI | Period |
OPUS WAVE-UNISONO | Novel anti-Stokes lanthanide-doped nanoparticles and multicolor FRET mechanisms for single-molecule DNA sequencing (LantaSEQ) | Artur Bednarkiewicz | 03.03.2023 - 02.03.2026 |
Source | Title | PI | Period |
OPUS 22 | Sensitized Photon Avalanche Emission in lanthanide doped colloidal core-shell nanoparticles: novel materials for superresolution imaging (SPA) | Artur Bednarkiewicz | 2022-08.2026 |
PRELUDIUM 20 | Effect of composition and chemical architecture of core-shell nanocrystal phosphors, doped with Er and Yb lanthanide ions, on the efficiency of resonant non-radiative FRET energy transfer to an organic energy acceptor | Agata Kotulska (supervisor AB) | 01.2022-01.2024 |
OPUS 19 | Nanokrystaliczne luminescencyjne manometry bazujące na emisji jonów metali przejściowych | Łukasz Marciniak | 01.2021-01.2025 |
PRELUDUM 19 | Biokompatybilne nanocząstki typu NaRExTM1-xF4 łączace funkcje termometrów luminescencyjnych i nanogrzałek do zastosowań w terapii fototermalnej | Kamila Maciejewska (supervisor ŁM) | 01.2021-01.2023 |
PRELUDIUM 18 | Zbadanie wpływu stechiometrii matrycy na wydajność konwersji światła na ciepło w nanokrystalicznych boranach typu RX3(BO3)4 (R=Y3+, Gd3+), (X=Al3+, Ga3+, Sc3+) domieszkowanych jonami Cr3+ | Karolina Elżbieciak-Piecka (supervisor ŁM) | 06.2020-06.2022 |
BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 3 | Uczulanie luminoforów domieszkowanych lantanowcami poprzez jony metali przejściowych dla termometrów o wysokiej jasności | Łukasz Marciniak | 01.2020-01.2023 |
OPUS 16 | Photon avalanche in nano and micro-inorganic crystals doped with lanthanide ions (LANTAVALAN) | Artur Bednarkiewicz | 09.2019-08.2022 |
SONATA | The energy transfer between surface antenna and inorganic nanocrystals doped with lanthanide ions | Katarzyna Prorok | 08.2019-08.2022 |
Source | Title | PI | Period |
OPUS 14 | Photon Avalanche based Optical Thermometry | Łukasz Marciniak | 2018-2021 |
OPUS 14 | Multifunctional Optical Trapping and Optical Microrobots to study localized hyperthermia of cells and cellular spheroids from primary cel cultures | Artur Bednarkiewicz - PI of one of the partners of the consortium | 06.2018-12.2021 |
FNP First Team | High sensitive thermal imaging for biomedical and microelectronic application | Łukasz Marciniak | 06.2017-04.2021 |
PRELUDIUM 17 | The investigation of the influence of the Nd3+-doped nanoparticle size on the relative sensitivity of luminescent thermometers based on excited state absorption process | Karolina Trejgis (supervisor ŁM) | 01.2020-01.2022 |
PRELUDIUM 17 | Synteza i zbadanie nanokryształów Y3Al5-xGaxO12:Vn+, Nd3+ jako nowych, luminescencyjnych wskaźników pH | Karolina Knieć (supervisor ŁM) | 01.2020-01.2022 |
Molecular Foundry #5973 | Theoretical and Experimental Devising Photon Avalanche Emission Nanoparticles, U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory Operated by the University of California | Artur Bednarkiewicz | 01.2020-03.2022 |
H2020-FET OPEN | Nanoparticles-based 2D thermal bioimaging technologies | Artur Bednarkiewicz - PI of Polish partner of the consortium | 09.2018-09.2021 |
SONATA BIS | Lanthanide doped colloidal core-shell nanoparticles: synthesis and active modulation of spectral properties | Artur Bednarkiewicz | 4.2013-4.2018 |
EU COST CM1403 | The European Upconversion Network From the Design of Photon-upconverting Nanomaterials to (Biomedical) Applications” – EU COST Action CM1403 | Artur Bednarkiewicz - Polish Representative, Short Term Scientific Mission Manager | 4.2013-4.2018 |